
The school initially started in Green Valley in the houses of Mr. James Swynenberg and Col. U. Sherring on 10th July 1990. On July 11th 1994, the school shifted to the present address. Classes were held in temporary sheds. The year 1993, saw the birth of Grace Childrens’ Residence with seven children in it. By the end of 1997, the main buildings were completed. The office and some classes shifted to the new building, and the school received composite affiliation to CBSE. The year 1999, saw the first batch of class X students appearing for board exams. They all passed with flying colors. The first batch of class XII also passed in March 2002 with flying colors. The first phase of Grace came to an end, when Dr. David G. Fiol, the Founding Principal, handed over charge to his successor, Mr. Benjamin Newton on 1st April 2000. One cannot forget the grace of God and the tireless efforts of all the society members who sacrificed their time for bringing this school to where it stands. The school has over the period been growing and the Lord has been blessing it. From 1990 up to today it humbly acknowledges the blessing and grace of the Almighty God.

The school is run and administered by Grace Educational Society, which is registered under the society’s act, Dehradun, bearing registration number 09024 with the Government of India in 1990. The Grace Educational Society is the parent body under which the School Managing Committee, Governing body and the other working committees function. The School Board is a fine mix of Christian professionals, homemakers and Theologians who have an interest in the Biblical Reformed (Calvinistic) perspective of education and in helping make this holistic type of schooling available to all.
End Result
Grace Academy aims to produce world citizens who are well-read, articulate disciples of Jesus Christ. They should be able to pass with distinction in all of the normal academic examinations, have love for one’s country and land, develop the inquisitive attitude and desire to learn more, conduct themselves with grace in any social interchange, be proficient in several skills and hobbies, keep themselves in peak physical condition. They will be at home with computer and other skills necessary in the age of Information Technology and will be able to either enter with ease into modern life while being unspoiled by the materialistic craze, or be at home in more simple rural environments however God may lead them. They will have Christ’s attitude of serving others. Thus, not only will our school help society, but it also hopes to motivate and train global leaders for tomorrow.

Acquire Knowledge
“Increasing in” & “filled with”
- of God, His will, our relationship with Him and with one another – i.e. Value education based on the Holy Bible, purpose and right conduct.
- of the world that He has made, i.e. the Natural Sciences, Social Science, Commerce, Humanities, etc.
Walk Worthy
According to the knowledge acquired
- of the Lord Jesus Christ
- of parents and family
- of your Nation
- of your identity as a “global citizen”
- of Useful and Productive skills.